Michael j norton attoryney

Preparatory education, St. Louis University B. Forrest T. Rhodes, Jr. David E. Rogers , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Teresa L. Shulda , admitted to bar, , Colorado; , New Mexico; , Kansas. Robert Smith , admitted to bar, , Kansas; , Oklahoma. Native American Law Certificate. Robert Smith. Harvey R. Sorensen , admitted to bar, , Wisconsin; , Kansas. Preparatory education, Beloit College B. Kyle J. Steadman , admitted to bar, , Kansas.

Patricia Voth Blankenship , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Edward Watson, II. Shannon D. Wead , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Preparatory education, Drury College B. Craig W.

West , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Rachel N. Wetta , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Preparatory education, Coe College B. William R. Wood, II , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Wood, II. Gordon G. Kirsten, II , admitted to bar, , Wisconsin; , Kansas.

Preparatory education, University of Wisconsin B. Kirsten, II. Amy S. Lemley , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Preparatory education, Clarendon Junior College A.

David M. Traster , admitted to bar, , Kansas. Preparatory education, Oral Roberts University B. Stewart T. Obtained dismissal of all claims against the client. Lead defense counsel for insurance company accused of breaching the underinsured motorist provisions of its insurance policy. Dismissal upheld by the Kansas Court of Appeals. Lead defense counsel for a supplier in breach of contract action by a sub-supplier.

Lead defense counsel in the seminal opinion on the application of liquidated damages in Kansas. Lead defense counsel for an engineering firm in a negligence and breach of contract action arising out of the design and construction of feed yard retention ponds. Defense counsel for religious organization accused of breaching its fiduciary duty.

Case involved the determination of whether a person who was a direct antagonist to the majority of the members of an unincorporated association was a proper class representative. Court ruled in favor of the client, finding that the plaintiff was not an adequate representative. Plaintiff's trial counsel for an author in defamation lawsuit against self-publishing company. Both were summarily arrested by a campus police officer and criminally charged, initially, with obstructing a police officer and then later with criminal trespass.

Both prevailed, with the assistance of another fine pro-life attorney, in the criminal prosecutions against them. We have now filed a civil rights section lawsuit in Federal Court against the college and the police officers seeking injunctive relief against the permit policy on grounds it constitutes an unreasonable prior restraint on their First Amendment free speech rights. At this time, the case is in the deposition stage, however, the college has expressed an interest in settling the case and is reportedly in the process of changing its permit policy.

One of the best pieces of evidence in the case is the video recording of Mr. How do you plan to continue your own pro-life work? As a Christian attorney, I often say yes to requests from members of the Christian community who need assistance even if I am overloaded with other matters.

I intend to continue to be what I hope is an effective witness for Christ and continue to be effective for LLDF on pro-life and other First Amendment-related issues in Colorado.

Although pro-life work does not mesh naturally with my practice, which focuses on wills, trusts and estates, I squeeze in pro-life work wherever I possibly can. The response was positive. Among the replies, one high school principal, in expressing thanks for the memorandum, responded that this memo marked the first time in his thirty years of service in Colorado public schools that he had received such a communication.

Do you have any words for others working with LLDF in defense of life from conception to natural death? God bless you guys. Just say yes when asked to help—you can do it! Before choosing Michael J. Norton as your lawyer, you should consider whether Michael J. Norton offers free consultation, if not how much the initial interview costs, if there is any hidden attorney fees, what's the fee schedule, whether he or she has good community reputation and is able to provide a list of good references.

You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if Michael J. Norton has ever been placed under any disciplinary actions.


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