Microsoft project 2007 visual reports

Drawing Tools Format tab. Format shapes and text boxes. Picture Tools Format tab. Add effects to pictures. Configure and tweak tables, like you would in other Office programs.

Configure and tweak charts. Click the Chart Styles button to quickly change the color or style of a chart. Pick a new style from the Chart Styles group. This style removes the lines and adds shadows to the columns. Give the chart some depth.

Add a background color. Change the bar colors. Just a few clicks make a big difference. And we only scratched the surface of the formatting options. Blank Creates a blank canvas. Use the Report Tools Design tab to add charts, tables, text, and images. Use the Field List pane to pick different fields to compare, and use the controls to change the color and format of the chart.

The Outline level box lets you select how many levels in the project outline the table should show. Comparison Sets two charts side-by-side. The charts have the same data at first. Click one chart and pick the data you want in the Field List pane to begin differentiating them. Any of the charts you create from scratch are fully customizable. You can add and delete elements and change the data to meet your needs. Tip: You might need to resize and line up the report when you paste it into its new home.

You can also print the report to share it the old-fashioned way. Use the Organizer to copy a new report into the global template for use in future projects. Compare actual work against your estimates with burndown reports. Create a timeline of key tasks and milestones. Set the status date for project reporting. Visual reports allow you to view Project information graphically using enhanced PivotTables in Excel Once Project information has been exported to Excel, you can customize the reports further with Excel enhanced PivotTable features, such as filter slicers, searching within PivotTables, sparklines within PivotTables to show trends instantly, and OLAP write-back improvements.

The report templates in Project are divided into six categories in the Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box, which you can access by clicking Visual Reports in the Reports group of the Project tab. The following sections provide descriptions of the visual reports in each category. You can also create your own custom reports.

Custom reports will appear in the category for the type of data used. The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Usage category. These reports are based on timephased task data. Note: Timephased assignment data is available in reports in the Assignment Usage category.

Use this report to view a chart that plots AC actual cost of work performed , planned value budgeted cost of work scheduled , and earned value budgeted cost of work performed over time. The following table describes the visual reports in the Resource Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased resource data.

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This dialog box groups visual reports in a number of ways: all reports; only Excel or Visio reports; and task, resource, or assignment details divided into summary and usage reports. The dialog box includes a simplified preview of the type of graphic chart or diagram associated with each visual report.

If desired, you can click the various tabs in the dialog box to see how the visual reports are organized. Click the Task Usage tab. Click Cash Flow Report and then click View. Project generates the data required by this report, launches Excel, and creates the Cash Flow chart. You may need to adjust the zoom level to view the entire chart. The PivotTable on which the chart is based is on the Task Usage sheet. If you are familiar with PivotTables, you can view that sheet and modify the PivotTable settings if you wish.

When you are through working with the Excel chart, close Excel without saving changes. If the computer on which you are now working does not have Visio or later installed, you cannot complete this exercise.

If this is the case, skip to step 11 to conclude this exercise. Click the Assignment Usage tab. Project generates the data required by this report, launches Visio, and creates the Baseline Report diagram. Praveen Malik, PMP, has two-plus decades of experience as a project management instructor and consultant. He regularly conducts project management workshops in India and abroad and shares his project management thinking in his blog, PM by PM.

I went back to reports that were generated across and we have the same issue. Do you know of any fix for this issue? I have googled the issue and also searched on Microsoft Support and this issue has never been reported. I have opened a report with our help desk to contact Microsoft support but have not received an answer as of yet.

I may be completely way off but let me hazard a guess — the program might be using a custom field that is incorrectly calculating the date. Review Title. Your Review. Sign me up for the newsletter. Remember Me. Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

Quick Links. You can modify: Colors in the charts; Chart types; What data is included in the chart; and What timeline and period is reflected. Plus, you can set up a visual comparison of different data values.


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