Mxprodv manual

Tiles can be solid color rectangles, moving video sequences, or still Compose provides a way to create screens containing picture elements, solid colors, and rectangles. More detailed descriptions of the steps follow. Colored lines are simply thin rectangles. You can create horizontal and vertical lines, but not diagonal ones. When you place a color tile on the screen, it can overlap other tiles.

If the other tile is a color tile, the new tile obscures the previous one wherever they overlap. The Compose Cursor appears on the Preview screen. NOTE To use color bars as the background, enter foreground tiles. Page Chromakey Using Chromakey you can combine two completely separate images to create a composite image that might be impossible to create any other way.

To achieve the required background requires, in most cases, special props, lighting, and other materials. You can also dissolve between the background footage and the chromakey footage using the Using Freeze and You can apply Input Effects including Freeze to the background footage, but not to Other Input the keyed footage. You can subsequently recall a Learned Environment whenever you want to use it. It requires two steps to enter the two digits. You can re-initiate the same or any other Learned Script by entering the script you want to run.

You can, for example, subdue the audio on one channel such as background music and pump up the audio on another such as the narrative. To access the Audio Mixer, press Audio Channels The default set- ting for the Background Mix level is no mix. Using a set up where you connect the CG between the MXProDV and the output device downstream , you can create titles for your productions.

Press of one scene and wait for the editing system to start the next scene. While the con- troller locates the next scene, set up the transition you want. When you see the edi- tor release the recorder from the pause state, press transition. You can reset all settings to their fac- tory defaults. Some transition descriptions use special terms and abbreviations to describe how the transitions work.

The category contains a wide assortment of effects. Transitions 0 through 29 serve as the default assortment in the Transitions Menu.

They provide a unique assortment of transitions suitable for many purposes. A to L edge; Exp. B from edge H Comp. A to R edge; Exp. B from T Ctr V Exp. B to TRC; Exp. Edge transitions group into sets of six. For example, transitions through perform the same type of effect, but using six different edges: transi- tions through perform the same type of effect, but using the same six edges as the preceding group: and so forth. The TBC operates automatically at all times.

However, video artifacts can appear in video productions, especially when you use sophisticated effects and transitions. This appendix describes some of the video artifacts that can occur.

In some cases, pic- ture information might disappear when eliminating pixels. For example, lines in the image might appear jagged when MXProDV removes pixels and, therefore, parts of the line.

This might cause the video signal to interfere with the invisible sync portion of the signal, thus making the signal non- standard. MXProDV has three ports: two for inputs and one for output. Use this screen to adjust the AUDIO MIX volume of your audio sources and output, adjust the mix level between back- ground and main audio, and adjust the headphone audio volume. It also provides level meters for monitoring the audio. When you subsequently turn the unit back on, all of the stored settings automatically reactivate.

Active Source Highlights You can have up to four input sources. It also shows the current speed and direction for the transition. In this example, speed is 5 and the direction is forward as indicated by the arrow.

Connect the audio tape deck to a different set of inputs — such as set number two. Page Swapping Sources — use the Cut transition zero. Roll the input sources. To run the transition, press PLAY. You cannot modify Black color code 0. The maximum number of colors in the MXPro palette is ten. You can change nine of the ten colors. You cannot change Black. Identifying Colors Use the solid color background to lay down ten seconds of Black at the beginning of your video.

Page Creating Custom Colors You can change any color other than Black see Table 3 on page 42 to create custom colors. You cannot add more colors, but you can change the existing ones. Once you create a custom color, it stays permanently in the MXPro unit until and unless you change it again. Page Changing Border Styles Chapter 4 Changing Border Styles This section explains how to specify different edges, color borders, and drop shadows to use in conjunction with border styles.

Procedure To change a border style setting Try using transitions for edges and for shapes. Make note of the border style number you are changing for future reference. Page Transitions Transitions artistically switch from one scene to the next in a production. The following basic steps explain how to run a transition with MXPro.

Each step is described in more detail later in this chapter. So, you set everything up, then run the transition at the precise moment you want it to occur. Use the Transition Category buttons to access the different categories. With this in mind, MXPro makes it easy for you to access your favorite transitions by creating your own personal menu — the User menu.

Page Selecting Transitions 73 for more information about Preview modes. The number appears in the Transitions Menu just below each transition icon. Procedure To select a transition using transition numbers: Refer to Appendix A, Transitions List, for a complete listing of transitions and their assigned numbers. Each press increases the speed by one unit. Reverse has no effect on a simple Cut or Dissolve transition because reversing those tran- sitions produces no visible result.

For example, if the transition is set to run from left-to-right, it automatically alternates between left-to-right and right- to-left each time it runs. Note Running a Trailing-type transition to either the Color channel or a channel with no video source executes a simple dissolve transition You can create many different effects by combining Input Effects.

MXPro applies the effects according to the parameter values for each effect. Therefore, when you turn the unit off, then turn it back on again, the most recent selection of input effects is still active. Make the channel to which the input effects are applied the NEXT source. Removes all color from the image. Parameter Values — Zero or one. Motion appears halting, or jerky — The function button group contains eight buttons, but gives you access to more than eight functions.

The Demo shows many of the effects you can produce with MXPro. See samples of these config- urations on the next page. Use the NEXT buttons to select the channel you want to affect. Re-direct signals coming from an input device to different or multiple MXPro channels. MXPro then high- lights that channel in the menu.

This gives you the ability to create interesting special effects. After cycling through all of the inputs, MXPro highlights the Mute option. With this option selected, MXPro mutes the audio for the selected channel.

Within each Learned Environment you can create a Learned Script. Page Freeze This section describes the types of freeze effects you can produce with MXPro and how to use Freeze with transitions. To transition to other still images, repeat steps 8 through User-submitted code search instructions.

Touch screen remote PDF file. Instruction manual PDF. For Insignia TVs try Code search instructions. PDF file containing codes. PDF Reference manual. Unfortunately the original Sole Control website is no longer active. Some pages of the old Sole Control web site mirrored at the web.

Instructions submitted for using the auto-search feature of the remote. Product specs are different than US versions. General instructions and codes for Sony remotes. View and Download Sanyo. Check here if your model is not listed below or does not contain complete instructions.

Sony's main support site, enter or select your remote model. May also work with RM-V7. Instructions from Sony Internet. Also reported to work with RM-V10A. May also work with RM-Y PDF code list. Will Quality printed manuals when YOU want one? This site is partially supported by ad revenue. If you follow any of those links and end up acquiring a manual, it will not be from us. Here is why we may deserve your business. We love our Vintage Audio and other built-to-last electronics equipment in an age of disposable products for a throw-away society.

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